
Вірші, які допоможуть малечі краще вивчити англійську

        Навчаючи учнів англійської мови потрібно приділити велику увагу формуванню граматичних навичок. Уже маючи досвід роботи у школі, я зробила висновок, що дітям цікавіше вивчати граматичні структури у віршах, піснях, казках. Так, вивчаючи структури в Past Indefinite можна використовувати такі невеличкі вірші, у яких є ці структури:

One, Two, Three, Four, Five
One, two, three, four, five
Once I caught a fish alive.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten
Then I let it go again.
Why did you let it go?
Because it bit my finger so.
Which finger did it bite?
The little finger on the right.

There Was a Crooked Man
There was a crooked man and he went a crooked mile,
He found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile,
He bought a crooked cat which caught a crooked mouse,
And they all lived together in a little crooked house.

Miss Polly Had a Dolly
Miss Polly had a dolly who was sick, sick, sick,
And she phoned for the doctor to come quick, quick, quick.
The doctor came with his bag and his hat
And he knocked at the door with a rat-tat-tat.
He looked at the dolly and he shook his head,
And he said, "Miss Polly, you must put her straight to bed.
Wrap her up warm, and keep her very still,
I'll be back in the morning with my bill, bill, bill."

I Did, I Did, I Did
I did, I did, I did,
I did my washing today,
I did my washing today,
And now it's time to play.
I did, I did, I did,
I did my work today,

Little Jack Sprat
Little Jack Sprat
Once had a pig
It was not very little,
It was not very big.
It was not very thin,
It was not very fat,
It is a good pig to eat,
Said Little Jack Sprat.

Three Little Squirrels.
Ten little squirrels were sitting in a tree.
The first two said, " What can you see?"
The next two said, " A man with a gun ".
The next two said, "Let's run. Let's run."
The next two said, "Let's hide in the shade."
The last two said, "We are not afraid!"
But bang went the gun and away they all ran.

Old Macdonald Had a Farm.
Old Macdonald had a farm,
And on that farm he had some ducks,
With a quack here and a quack, quack there,
Here a quack, there a quack,
Everywhere a quack, quack.
Old Macdonald had a farm,
E, I,E,I,O.
Old Macdonald had a farm,
And on that farm he had some cows,
With a moo-moo here and moo-moo there.

When Little Fred was Called to Bed.
When little Fred was called to bed,
He always acted right:
He kissed mamma and then papa
And then wished all "Good night".

Strange Talk.
A little green frog lived under a lag
And every time spoke,
Instead of saying "Good morning",
He only said "Crak- croak".
A duck lived by the water side,
White feathers're on his back,
But when he asked "How do you do?"
He only said, "Quack- quack".

My mother
-Who led me when I was a child
And hushed me in her arms so mild?
-My mother.
-Who sat and watched my childish
When sleeping in my little bed?
-My mother.
-When pain and sickness made me cry,
Who looked upon my heavy eyes?
-My mother.
-Who dressed my doll in clothes so gay,
And taught me often how to play.
-My mother.
_-Who ran to help me when I fell,
And would some funny stories tell?
-My mother.
-And can I ever stop to be
So loving and so kind to thee
Who was so very kind to me,
-My mother?
-And when you are sick and old and grey ,
My healthy arms will be your stay,
And I will calm your pains away,
My mother.
Вивчати структури
в Past Indefinite можна і за допомогою пісень.

Hickory, dickory, dock
The mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck one,
The mouse ran down,
Nickory, dickory, dock.

Lucy Locket
Lucy Locket lost her pocket
Kitty Fisher found it,
But not a penny was there in it
Except the binding round it.

This Pig Went to Market
This pig went to market,
This pig stayed at home,
This pig had a bit of meat,
And this pig had none.
This pig said,''Wee! Wee! Wee!
I can't find my way home!''

Вивчаючи структури
 в Present Indefinite, можна використовувати такі вірші:

What Does the Cat Say ?
What does the cat say ? Meow , Meow.
What does ' the dog say ? Baw, Wow.
What does the donkey say ? Ee, Aw.
What does the crow say ? Caw , Caw.
What does the farmer say ? Shoo. Shoo
What does the cow say ? Moo,Moo.
What do they all say ?

This is the season
When mornings are dark,
And birds do not sing
In the forest and parks
This is the season
When children ski,
And Father Frost
Brings the New Year tree

This is the season
When snowdrops bloom,
When nobody likes
To be in his room.
This is the season
When birds make their nests,
This is the season
We all like best

My cat
I have a cat,
Its name is Tit.
And by the fire
It loves to sit.
Each day I bring it
A dish of milk
And smooth its coat
That shines like silk
And on my knee
She often sits;
For Tit loves me;
And I love Tit.

Do You Help
Do you help to lay the table
With the plates and forks and spoons?
Yes, I do. I lay the table
In the afternoons.

It Is Time
"It is time to go to bed"
Says the clock to little Fred
"Don' t you want to have a rest?"
Close your eyes and do your best.

"In winter I ski and skate,"
Says little Kate.
"In summer I like to swim,"
Says little Jim.
And what do you do in spring?
In spring we play and sing.

This is the season
When children ski
And Father Frost brings
The bright New Year tree.

The Glad Sun
The glad sun goes along the sky,
At night it comes down gold and red,
And suddenly the dark comes out,
And all the children go to bed.
Oh sun, I'm glad you know the way
To bring us back the pleasant day!

Who Loves Mummy Best?
Who loves Mummy best?
I - says Fred
I give her flowers,
White, yellow and red.
-Who loves Mummy best?
-I --says May,
With my dear Mummy
I always play.
- Who loves Mummy best?
- I-says Joe,
- She asks me to help her
And I always do so.

We Have a Lovely Garden
We have a lovely garden
And every summer day
We dig it well, and clean it well
And pull the weeds away
We have a lovely garden
And every summer night
We water all the flowers
And watch them with delight.

Do Your Want to Be Healthy?
Do you want to be healthy
And quick on your toes?
Do you eat your food slowly?
Do you breathe through your nose?
Do you press back your shoulders?
Do you hold up your head?
Do you open your window
When you go to be
Yes, I want to be healthy
And quick on my toes,
I eat my food slowly,
I breathe through my nose,
I press back my head,
I hold up my head,
I open my window,
When I go to bed.

We Live Here
I live here,
You live near,
Tom lives so far
That he goes by car.
We live near,
You live here,
Tom and Ray
Live far away.

Вивчення дієслова "to be" у віршах
This is a father,
This is a mother,
This is a sister,
This is a brother.
Father, mother,
Sister, brother.
Hand in hand
With one another.

My Cat
My cat is fat,
My cat is black
My cat likes rats-
Both lean and fat.

This is the season
When nights are short;
When children are full
Of fun and sports;
Playing, swimming
All the day
With a happy song
On a sunny day.

Little Jack Frost
It is cold and still
The wind is away
And Little Jack Frost
Is busy today
He nips my checks,
He nips my nose
And before I can catch him
Away he goes.

This is the season
When fruit is sweet;
This is the season
When school friends meet.

I am a Brave Mouse
I'm a brave, brave mouse.
I go marching through the house,
And I'm not afraid of anything.
For danger I'm prepared,
And I'm never, never scared.
No, I'm not afraid of anything.
What about a cat?
What-a cat? Yes a cat!
Big and fat.
Well, except for a cat -
I'm not afraid of anything.
I'm brave, brave mouse.
I go marching through the house,
And I'm not afraid of anything.
For danger I'm prepared,
And I'm never, never scared.
No, I'm not afraid of anything.
What about a trap? (сильце)
What-a trap? Yes, a trap!
That goes snap.
Well, except for a trap-
I'm not afraid of anything.
I'm not brave, brave mouse.
I go marching through the house,
And I'm not afraid of anything,
For danger I'm prepared,
And I am never, never scared,
No, I'm not afraid of anything.
What about an owl?
Yes, an owl! On the prowl (в пошуках здобичі)
Well, except for an owl-
I'm not afraid of anything.

Summer is here, days are long.
The sun is bright and strong.
This is the season when nights are short
And children have plenty of fun and sport.

Summer Holidays
Woods are green, the sun is bright
And the wind is warm and light
I can bathe and play and run
Summer holidays are fun.

My Name
My name is Ann.
Her name is Nan.
His name is Ben.
Say it again.

I am white,
I am good to drink.
What am I? (Milk)

I am big,
I am in the sky
I give light
What am I? (The sun)

It is white
It is cold
You can ski on it
What is it? (Snow)

When Is It?
The sky is blue. The sun shines brightly.
The leaves on the trees are green.
The gardens are full of flowers. (In summer)

When Is It?
The sky is blue. The sun shines brightly.
The leaves on the trees are green.
The gardens are full of flowers. (In summer)

Our Bunny
(Words by Kenagy, music by F. Arnold)
Oh Bunny, pretty bunny,
Your fur is soft and white.
Oh Bunny, pretty Bunny,
Your fur is soft and white.
2 . Oh Bunny, pretty Bunny,
Your ears are very long.
Oh Bunny, pretty Bunny,
Your ears are very long.
3. Oh Bunny, pretty Bunny,
Your eyes are very pink.
Oh Bunny, pretty Bunny,
Your eyes are very pink.
We feed you, pretty Bunny,
Green lettuce every day.
We feed you, pretty Bunny,
Green lettuce every day.
Oh Bunny, pretty Bunny,
You hop, hop, hop, hop, hop.
Oh Bunny, pretty Bunny,
You hop, hop, hop, hop, hop.

I Can't and I'll Try
The little boy who says, "I'll try"
Will climb to the hill-top.
The little boy who says, "I can't"
Will at the bottom stop.
"I'll try "does great things every day
"I can't" gets nothing done.
Be sure then that you say "I'll try"
And let "I can't" alone.

I Shall Dance
I shall dance, I shall play
I shall make some things of day.
She will dance, she will play
She will make some things of day.

Come to the Sportsground
Come to the sportsground, girl and boys.
There you will get health and joys
Swim in the river, run and play
Sport makes you healthy, strong and gay.

I'll be a Milk-Maid
I'll be a milk-maid
That's my dream
All people will drink milk
And eat butter and cream.

I Shall be a Barber
I shall be a barber
And I'll be very glad
I'll shave a lot of men
And even you, my dad.

Three Little Pigs
My name is Naf-Naf (Nuf-Nuf, Nif-NIf)
I am a little pig
I am rosy and fat
But I am not big.
My house is made of grass (of sticks, of bricks)
And there I shall hide
If Big Bad Wolf comes
I shall be safe inside.

Spring Is Everywhere
(Words by N. Kanagy, music by F. Arnold)
Birds are in the tree tops
Flying here and there,
Everything is growing,
Spring is everywhere.
Flowers are in the gardens,
Butterflies are there
Flying round the blossoms
Spring is everywhere.

Little Jumping Joan
(Harmonized by A. Moffat)
Here I am, Little jumping Joan,
When nobody's with me
I am always alone.

Для вивчення структур
в Present Continuous можна вивчити такі вірші та пісеньки:

X Is Wearing a Bright Blue Dress
X is wearing a bright blue dress,
Bright blue dress, bright blue dress,
X is wearing a bright blue dress,
All day long.
Y is wearing a bright green shirt,
Bright green shirt, bright green shirt,
Y is wearing a bright green shirt,
All day long.

We Have Come for Polly Ann
We have come for Polly Ann,
Polly Ann, Polly Ann,
We have come for Polly Ann
Can she come out to play?
Polly Ann is sweeping
Polly Ann is sweeping,
Polly Ann is weeping,
She can't come out to play.
We have come for Polly Ann,
Polly Ann, Polly Ann,
We have come for Polly Ann,
Can she come out to play?
Polly Ann is eating,
Polly Ann is eating,
She can't come out to play.

Little Cat
Where are you going,
My little Cat?
I am going to town
To buy a hat
My little Cat
Always wears a hat,
My little Kittens
Like woolen mittens.

On Skis
I am running on my skis
White and silver stand the trees.
I'm as warm as warm can be
Try to catch me. One! Two! Three!
I am running on my skates
White and silver are the lakes
I am as quick as quick can be.
Try to catch me. One! Two! Three!

April Rain
Rain, rain, April rain,
You are feeding seed and grain,
You are raising plants and crops.
With your gaily sparkling drops.

In Spring
The sun is shining,
The flowers are blooming;
The sky is blue,
The rains are few.

In Winter
The snow is falling,
The wind is blowing;
The ground is white
All day and all night.

As I Was Going Along…
As I was going along, along, along,
And singing a comical song, song, song.
The way that I went was so long, long, long
And the song that I sang was as long, long, long.
And so I went along singing a song.
As I am going along, along, along,
And singing a comical song, song, song.
The way that I'm going is so long, long, long.
And the song that I'm singing is so long, long, long.
And so I'm going along singing a song.

It is Snowing!
It's snowing, it's snowing
What a lot of snow!
It's snowing, it's snowing
Let us play with snow.

It's Snowing!
It's snowing, it's snowing
What a lot of snow!
Let us make some snowballs,
We all like to throw.
It's snowing, it's snowing.
Let us sledge and ski!
When I'm dashing down the hill
Clear the way for me!

In the Spring
In the spring, in the spring
Sweet and fresh is everything
Winter winds are no more blowing,
In the spring, in the spring
Sweet and fresh is everything.

Spring is coming. I can feel it,
How soft is the morning air!
Birds are singing, buds are peeping,
Life and joy are everywhere.

I Love Going to School
I'm learning to write
And I'm learning to spell.
And my teacher says
That I'm doing very well!

They Are Dancing…
They are dancing
They are walking,
They are singing,
They are talking.
My friend is dancing,
My friend is walking,
He is singing,
He is talking.

They Are Working
Jane is sweeping the floor,
Kate is washing the door,
Nick is feeding the cat,
Ann is brushing her hat.

What Are They Doing?
Tom is playing, Fred is eating
Nick is writing, Bob is sleeping
The sun is shining, and I am smiling.

Are They Working Well
I am counting to ten
You are giving them a pen,
She is looking at the door,
He is sitting on the floor.
All of us are working well,
Waiting, waiting for the bell.

The 8-th of March
March the eighth is coming,
Mother's holiday,
We are making presents
For our Mother's day.
Father's buying flowers,
Ann is washing up
Nick is writing postcards
Wishing "Happy Holiday!"

A Song About My Toys
One and two, and three and four
I am sitting on the floor,
I am playing with a ball (a frog)
And a pretty little doll (a dog)
One, and two, and three and four
I am sitting on the floor,
I am playing with a car (a hare, a fox)
And a pretty little star(a bear, a fox)
One and two, and three, and four
We are sitting on the floor,
We are sitting, girls and boys,
We are playing with the toys.

Spring Song
Now the rain is falling down,
Over country, over town
Calling all the earth to wake
Such a stir the rain drops make!
Wake up little roots below,
Wake up! It is time to grow.
Birds are here, the sky is blue
We are waiting just for you.

The snowflakes are falling,
Are falling, are falling,
The snowflaks are falling
All soft and all white.
The snowflakes are dancing,
Are dancing, are dancing,
The snow-flakes are dancing
All happy and gay.

Spring Is Here
Springtime is here,
Springtime is here,
Violets are blooming
Springtime is here
Springtime is here,
Springtime is here,
Green grass is growing,
Springtime is here.
Springtime is here,
Springtime is here,
Birdies are singing
Springtime is here.

When the Golden Sun is Sinking
When the golden sun is sinking
Slowly in a cloud of red,
Birds and all the little children
Nod their heads and start to bed.
All the garden flowers are drooping,
Waiting for the morning sun.
Stars and moon are now appearing,
Telling us the day is gone.

Вивчаючи структури
у The Present Perfect Tense можна вивчити такі вірші:
Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat
Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat;
Where have you been?
I've been to London
To see the Queen
Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat,
What have you done?
I have frightened a little mouse.

Twiddle Dan and Twiddle Dee
Twiddle Dan and Twiddle Dee
I ask to have a battle:
For Twiddle Dan said Twiddle Dee
Has spoiled his nice new rattle.

We Have Made a Snowman
Look! We have made a snowman,
He is tall and fat.
He has a carrot for his nose
He has a funny hat.

A Pen-friend
I have taken a sheet of paper
I have written a letter to Fred
I have put it into this envelope
I am sure Fred will be glad.
I shall put a stamp on the envelope
To the post-office I'll run
I'll drop my letter into a letter-box
And shall wait for the answer.

The Sun Has Set
The sun has set
And now anew
With fallen dew
The grass is wet.
Each little bird
Has sunk to rest
Within its nest
No song is heard.

The Movies
The movies are nice,
I've been once or twice,
I go with my mother,
Get in for half price
The picture I've seen
Is fine as can be;
I get so excited
That mother pokes me.

Дієслово to have є допоміжним у Present Perfect, але можна вивчити багато віршів з дієсловом to have як смисловим перед поясненням утворення структур в Present Perfect.
Sister Kate has a plate
Sister Nell has a bell
Brother Nick has a stick
Brother Mike has a bike
He has a long nose,
He has a red rose
He has a blue hat
He has a black cat.

I Have a Ball
I have a ball, I have a car,
I have a lorry, I have a star.
He has a ball, he has a car,
He has a lorry, he has a star.

What do They Have?
Mother Cat has a red hat,
Mother Goat has a red coat,
Mother Hen has a red pen,
Mother Fox has a red box.

Has She a Ruler?
She has a ruler, she has a pen
And she has pencils. How many? - Ten.
She has pencils of all colours:
Red, green, yellow and blue.
She can draw some funny pictures
And what about you?
We have books, we have pens
We have pencils too
We can read, write and draw
And what about you?

Our Cat Has a Flat
Our pussy cat
Has a good small flat.
It has no door,
But a brown floor
The walls are white.
All the flat is bright.

Вірші можна використовувати не лише вивчаючи часові форми англійської мови а й інші граматичні явища. Так, вивчаючи структури There is / are можна використати такі віршовані рядки:

There is a desk at the window
There is a shelf at the door
There is a table in the middle of the room
There is a green rug on the floor
There are four chairs at the table
There are two pictures on the wall
There are three candies on the shelf
A car, a Teddy bear, and a ball
The TV-set is in the corner
The piano is to my right
The cupboard full of cups and plates
Is on my left-hand side.

Наведений вище віршик дуже гарний для вивчення прийменників.

There Is the Key of the Kingdom
This is the key of the kingdom,
In that kingdom there is a city.
In that city there is a town,
In that town there is a street,
In that street there is a lane (провулок),
In that lane there is a yard,
In that yard there is a house,
In that house there is a room,
In that room there is a bed,
On that bed there is a basket,
In that basket there are some flowers,
Flowers in the basket, basket on the bed,
Bed in the room, room in the house,
House in the yard, yard in the lane,
Lane in the streets, streets in the town,
Town in the city, city in the kingdom
Of that kingdom this is the key.

Ведучи далі розмову про прийменники,які відіграють в англійській мові дуже важливу роль, їх можна заучувати у віршах:
I have a black dog
And a white cat
I walk in the garden,
I sleep in my bed.
A bear and bunny
Have plenty of money
They go to the store
For carrots and honey.

A Looking-glass
I am on the wall
I am in your hand
When you look at me
You can see your face.

This is a bus, this is a train
This is a ship, this is a plane
I travel by bus, I travel by train
I travel by ship, I travel by plane

In and On
A little mouse is in the house
A little fox is in the box
A little duck is in the truck
A little cat is in the hat
A little good is in the boat
A grey cat is on the mat
A green frog is on the log
A red cock is on the clock
A big fish is on the dish
A white hare is on the chair.

I'm Looking for Fred
Under the table, under the bed
Under the sofa, I'm looking for Fred
If you know where he is
Help me to find him, please.
Children: "He is in the wardrobe".

Stop! Look!
Trams and cars in our town
Run up and down
Run up and down
Stop! Look at the light!
First look to the left!
And then to the right!

One little apple on a tree
Two apples for you and me
Three apples by the door
And four apples on the floor
The apples are good and sweet
Can you count them all, Pete? ( ten apples)

My Day
Breakfast in the morning,
Dinner in the day,
Tea comes after dinner
Then comes times to play
Supper in the evening
When the sky is red
Then the day is over
And we go to bed.

Модальні дієслова

I cannot reach the ceiling
But I can sweep the floor
And when I grow bigger
I'll do learn to do some more.

Lazy-Bones Grundy
"I cannot work on Monday",
Says lazy-bones Grundy.
"Nor start the work on Tuesday,
Wednesday is a holiday,
I must plan on Thursday
What to do on Friday,
On Saturday I like to play,
On Sunday I must rest all day.

Learn Your Lessons
Learn your lessons
As well as you can
Be tidy like Nick
Not dirty like Dan.

I can read, I can write
I can speak English too.
I love learning English.
And what about you?

I Love Going to School
I'm learning to write
And I'm learning to spell
And my teacher says
That I'm doing very well
I can spell my nice cat-
And that is C-A-T!
I can spell it's name Pat -
And that is P - A - T!
I can read, I can write,
I can spell my name, too---
I just love going to school!
And what about you?

I Love Going to School
I'm learning to write
And I'm learning to spell
And my teacher says
That I'm doing very well
I can read, I can write
I can spell my name, too -
I just love going to school!
And what about you?
I can spell my nice cat -
And that is C-A-T!
I can spell its name Pat -
And that is P-A-T!

I Can't and I'll Try
The little boy who says "I'll try"
Will climb to the hill top,
The little boy who says "I can't"
Will at the bottom stop.
"I'll try" does great things every day
"I can't" gets nothing done
Be sure then that you say "I'll try",
And let I can't alone.

Children Yellow, Black and White.
Children yellow, black and white
Must be friends and unite!

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